Building Trust-Based Community Partnerships

Building Trust-Based Community Partnerships
Communities that experience the greatest burdens of climate and environmental hazards in their neighborhoods could greatly benefit from local public health experts who support their work and amplify their efforts. Relationships between community members and public health professionals can help ensure community needs are addressed in decision-making and technical information is shared with those who can use it to build power and achieve health equity.

The American Public Health Association’s Center for Climate, Health and Equity and the Science and Community Action Network ( invite you to participate in this virtual workshop to discuss how public health professionals can build equitable, trust-based partnerships with communities. Through these partnerships, you as public health professionals have a tremendous opportunity to support marginalized communities, incorporate their lived experiences and expertise into your work, and achieve more equitable health outcomes.

This workshop includes a panel discussion with health professional and environmental justice voices from different backgrounds who will:

  • share stories of partnerships gone well (and some not so well), and
  • share best practices and advice for building and maintaining relationships based on trust.

Following the panel, we will invite attendees to participate in breakout groups to build and practice the skills they’ve learned.

7/27/2023 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

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